How Do You Know if You Will Die From Covid

We've reached half a million deaths from the coronavirus in the US. But most of these deaths — and the grueling medical ordeals leading upward to them — take remained largely hidden from view. The bulk of terminally sick Covid-nineteen patients typically spend their terminal days or weeks isolated in ICUs to keep the virus from spreading.

"Most of what I'm seeing is behind airtight defunction, and the general public isn't seeing this side of it," says Todd Rice, a critical care and pulmonology specialist at Vanderbilt Academy Medical Center. Even "families are simply seeing a lilliputian bit of it," he says. Every bit a result, most of us have been "protected and sheltered from seeing the worst of this disease."

And so what have these 500,000 people endured as the infection took over and their bodies failed? The terrible details accept been strikingly absent from most of our personal and national discussions about the virus. Simply if we have been thus far (perhaps somewhat willfully) bullheaded to the excruciating ways Covid-19 takes lives, this milestone is an opportunity to open up our optics.

A woman holds her husband'due south manus every bit a nurse holds a phone displaying a mariachi band playing "La mano de Dios," his favorite vocal, at St. Jude Medical Center in Fullerton, California.
Irfan Khan/Los Angeles Times/Getty Images

4 physicians, who collectively have cared for more than 100 dying Covid-nineteen patients over the past xi months, shared with Voice what their patients accept gone through physically and mentally as the virus killed them. Their experiences reveal the isolating and invasive realities of what it is typically like for someone to dice from Covid-xix.

Lungs "full of bees" and a "sense of impending doom"

The torture of Covid-19 can begin long earlier someone is ill enough to exist admitted to a hospital intensive intendance unit of measurement.

Since the coronavirus attacks the lungs, it hampers the intake of oxygen. People with worsening Covid-19 typically evidence upwards in the emergency room because they are having problem breathing.

Every bit their lungs deteriorate farther, they have a harder and harder time getting enough oxygen with each breath, significant they demand to breathe faster and faster — upward from an average of about 14 times per minute to 30 or twoscore. Such gasping can bring about a very real sense of panic.

Imagine trying to breathe through a very narrow straw, says Jess Mandel, chief of pulmonary, critical care, and slumber medicine at UC San Diego Health. "Yous tin can practice that for 15 to 20 seconds, only try doing information technology for two hours." Or for days or weeks.

Patients struggling through low oxygen levels like this have told Kenneth Remy, an assistant professor of critical intendance medicine at Washington Academy School of Medicine in St. Louis, that it feels like a band beyond their breast or that their lungs are on fire. Or like a yard bees stinging them inside their breast. Others might have thick secretions in their lungs that make information technology feel like they are trying to breathe through muck. Many people say it feels like they're being smothered.

The ordeal is so taxing that many wish for death. "You hear the patients say, 'I just want to die because this is then excruciating,'" Remy says. "That's what this virus does."

Others feel that death is coming no affair what they do. Rice notes that is much more than so for his Covid-nineteen patients than others he has treated. There seems to be something about Covid-19, he says, "that makes people prone to having a feeling of, 'I really believe I'1000 going to die.'"

Meilinh Thi, who specializes in disquisitional care and pulmonology at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, has witnessed the same thing. "A lot of patients, regardless of historic period, have this sense of impending doom," Thi says. Many have told her outright they felt like they were going to die. Eerily, "Everyone who has told me that has passed abroad," she says.


The desperation of being critically ill with Covid-19 isn't just borne by the body but also by the mind. "It doesn't simply put your lungs on fire or give you a horrible headache or make you lot experience miserable or make you breathe really fast," Remy says. "It also wreaks havoc on your mental country."

For one, from the fourth dimension anyone with Covid-19 is admitted to the infirmary, they are essentially cut off from almost everything that is familiar. Near Covid-xix deaths take occurred in hospitals, but Centers for Disease Control and Prevention information shows that some are too dying in long-term care facilities (most 10 percent) or at home (well-nigh 6 percentage).

Chaplain Kevin Deegan prays with a Covid-19 patient, equally she speaks with family unit members remotely, at Providence Holy Cross Medical Heart in Los Angeles.
Mario Tama/Getty Images

"A lot of patients have told me how isolating and how lonely it is," Thi says. And many become depressed. Information technology is as well incredibly scary to reach that point of illness with a disease that nosotros know has already killed so many people, she and others point out.

All of these challenges accept a cumulative event. "If you can empathise existence in the hospital for two, three weeks, continuously animate that fast, non having good interactions with your family unit considering they can't come and visit yous — information technology's extremely feet-provoking. It's scary," Remy says.

Being in the ICU for any reason as well vastly increases a person's risk for delirium, a state of confusion that tin can upshot in agitation, fright, and anger. Medications used to sedate people or relieve pain (both common in Covid-19 treatment) are part of the reason for this risk, as are the constant monitoring and physical disturbances — and subsequent sleep disruption.

Being a Covid-nineteen patient increases this likelihood of disorientation even more. Some estimates put the rate of delirium among adult ICU Covid-19 patients at about 65 percent.

One reason for this actress risk is that the only people patients see are covered in caput-to-toe PPE, oftentimes with merely their eye area visible behind a shield or goggles, rendering them fifty-fifty more anonymous and unfamiliar. (ICU nurses have described working alongside the aforementioned people for decades and now not recognizing them due to all the protective gear.) "That for sure increases the take chances of delirium," Thi says.

Equally a Covid-19 patient, "You're just devoid of human contact to a big degree," Mandel says.

And that is no small affair. With loved ones relegated to video calls, personal connectedness through in-person visits — typically a mainstay during an intensive hospital stay — is gone.

"If your mom or dad or spouse was in the hospital and was very ill, you would be at their bedside holding their mitt," Remy says. With fatal Covid-19, your last meaningful contact with family unit, earlier your concluding hours, might be equally y'all get admitted into the ER, days or weeks before.

Doctors often accept to use many invasive procedures to try to save lives

Anyone unwell enough to be in the ICU for any reason will be hooked up to lots of machines. But people with astringent Covid-19 confront a especially grueling and invasive experience.

When people tin no longer breathe for themselves and all the same aren't getting plenty oxygen from external sources (like short nose tubes or a BiPap auto, like those some people wear for sleep apnea), the next step is commonly putting them on a ventilator.

To do this, patients are put on IV-based sedation and pain medication and then they can tolerate the procedure. A tube is inserted into the mouth and down the airway and so the machine can pump air into the lungs. The tube can remain at that place for days or weeks, during which time that person will remain heavily sedated and unable to talk. (This sedation tin can also mask other problems that arise during their affliction, such as major strokes.)

Those who have survived the ordeal often don't fifty-fifty remember the mean solar day leading upwards to being put on ventilation, Thi says. "They say they really simply lost that portion of their life."

The ventilator itself is non without risks. For case, if the auto is set to deliver too much air, it tin cause boosted lung damage. And the animate tube only tends to be safe to keep in place for virtually two to three weeks, Thi notes. Subsequently that, it can commencement to deteriorate. At that point, doctors might surgically insert a tube into the patient's neck — a process known as a tracheostomy — to connect them to the ventilator.

For some, even mechanical ventilation can't get them plenty oxygen. These patients often get put on "heart-lung" machines, which pump claret out of the torso, through a machine that oxygenates it, and dorsum in. (These are also sometimes used for people who have suffered a heart assault, and are known to have numerous side effects, such every bit increased risk for strokes as well equally for agitation and delirium.) This procedure requires two large catheters (long tubes) inserted into a major artery or vein, so the machine can effectively pump plenty claret in and out of the trunk.

Flipping people onto their stomachs has also helped become more air into their systems. During this practice, chosen proning, the sick individual is typically put on a medication to paralyze them so they cannot move. (Medical staff likewise plow incapacitated patients in bed every couple of hours "to brand sure their skin doesn't break down," Thi says.)

Health care workers prone a patient in the Covid-xix intensive care unit overflow expanse at Providence Holy Cantankerous Medical Middle in Mission Hills, California.
Ariana Drehsler/Bloomberg/Getty Images

A meaning proportion of people — somewhere between nearly i in 5 and i in 3 — who get very ill with Covid-19 too stop up with kidney failure. To prevent this from killing them, they're put on dialysis machines, which take blood out of the body and filter it before returning information technology to the body. This procedure tin cause nausea, cramping, and chronic itching. Anyone getting dialysis will need ii boosted large catheters put into some other major blood vessel.

But these aren't all of the tubes critically sick Covid-19 patients need. They also accept a cardinal venous catheter to administrate medication. This long tube usually gets inserted into a major vein in the clavicle or groin, then is pushed through the vein until information technology reaches the heart, where it will stay until that person recovers or dies. Another catheter, sometimes put in nigh the groin, will have the person's blood for analysis.

Other catheters will be inserted into the urethra to drain urine (which is monitored closely) and the rectum to ofttimes evacuate their feces (which is peculiarly of import because Covid-19 often causes diarrhea). Additional IVs, such as for hydration and medications, will poke patients in smaller vessels as well. People this ill with Covid-19 will likewise have a tube put into their rima oris or olfactory organ and down into their stomach, to deliver a nutritious slurry to forbid malnutrition.

On top of all of these tubes and needles, a number of other beeping and bustling devices monitor a person's vitals. Leads attached to the chest rail eye office, and a pulse oximeter on the finger keeps tabs on oxygen saturation. A standard cuff monitors claret pressure level, merely people often get an additional catheter into yet another vessel to measure out blood pressure from within that artery.

All of these incredibly invasive interventions have a goal of sustaining the trunk merely so that it can attempt to fight off the virus and heal. "The technology we accept is very powerful in terms of keeping people live merely less powerful at turning things around," Mandel says. "It'southward always a race."

Just even all of these procedures — alongside treatments like dexamethasone and remdesivir — are non enough to save anybody with Covid-19. Some people decline to go through some or all of this, or at to the lowest degree to endure it indefinitely, just that does not guarantee a lack of suffering. And for those most unlucky 1.8 percent of people confirmed to accept Covid-nineteen in the US, death will and then exist imminent.

The end

Once someone is sick enough with Covid-19 that they demand a ventilator, their take a chance of survival is somewhere between 40 and 60 percent, notes Remy. "You flip a coin, and you may be one of those people who die," he says.

Remy recalls one particularly difficult week during the fall surge when he cared for a number of people in their 40s and 50s who ultimately died. About of them were obese but otherwise healthy when they caught Covid-nineteen by not wearing a mask.

"One of the[se] patients specifically told me before I put the breathing tube in, 'Allow everyone know that this is real, my lungs are on fire. Information technology's like there'southward bees stinging me. I can't exhale. Please allow them know to clothing a mask ... because I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.'"

Correct subsequently that patient died, Remy made a precautionary video that he posted on Twitter.

If a patient'southward animate deteriorates slowly, hospitals can often adapt a fashion for them to talk with family members before they become intubated. Because after the tube goes in, they might not be conscious or able to talk once again before they die. Regardless, the last person they accept conscious contact with is typically a member of the medical staff before they are heavily sedated to receive the ventilator tube. In essence, "It could be everyone," Rice says.

Despite the strict isolation for Covid-19 patients, "Nosotros try to make sure patients don't die alone," Thi says. For those who quickly nosedive, at that place ofttimes isn't time to bring in family. Those people dice surrounded past medical staff, either receiving CPR or, if they had do not resuscitate orders, with staff standing by.

For those who autumn toward death, family unit — in full PPE — are now typically immune in (which wasn't usually the case at the beginning of the pandemic). At that betoken, "We would proceed with comfort measures simply," Thi says. In this scenario, the dying person volition be on heavy medication as the ventilator tube is removed. Even still, one time it gets taken out, people oftentimes gasp or cough every bit the torso fights for air before they die.

Funeral home transporter Reggie Elliott prepares a trunk at Maryland Cremation Services in Millersville, Maryland.
Andrew Caballero-Reynolds/AFP/Getty Images

Despite the palliative care and the possibility for family unit to now be present for a person's actual death, doctors describe Covid-xix as a uniquely terrible way to die. "Covid is merely so dissimilar," Thi says. "I don't remember anything could exist comparable to it. ... I don't wish it on my worst enemy."

Remy agrees. After having cared for patients dying from infectious diseases all over the world, he says, "I don't know a disease that wreaks such havoc on the torso and on the listen." Which is perhaps why his dying patient was pleading with him and then badly just before being intubated to tell people to vesture their masks and take the virus seriously.

Because otherwise, it will continue to take thousands of lives this way each day in the U.s. until we can get vaccines to nigh anybody.

Katherine Harmon Courage is a freelance science journalist and author of Cultured and and Octopus! Find her on Twitter at @KHCourage .


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